
CSP News

Huiyin attending MENA 2018 conference on June 27-28, Marrakech Morocco

  Huiyin Energy is a Belgium – China Joint Venture Company. It is a foreign brand with its manufacturing facilities in China, based on the 40 years’ experience of two generations of Ven family, Luz, Solel Solar Systems and Solarmundo. As a world leading receiver manufacturer, Huiyin has supplied over 600 MW receivers to commercial power plants worldwide.

  In 2013 Huiyin supplied all the receivers of the Reliance 125 MW power plant in India, built by Areva. In 2015 Huiyin supplied to Skyfuel’s 33 MW Stillwater project. From 2015 to 2018, Huiyin has successfully completed the supply of phase 1 and phase 2 to a world largest solar thermal plant in the Middle East, adding another 480 MW to its reference list, and has now moved on to phase 3. During this period Huiyin has also supplied to all the big players in CSP industry, including Valle 1 and Valle 2 power plants in Spain, Samca’s 50 MW la Dehesa power plant, Aalborg project in Denmark, 15 MW Fresnel system in Zhangbei China, molten salt demonstration plant in Akesai China, and a 100,000 m2 project in Inner Mongolia, China.

  Huiyin’s bankable superior receivers with outperforming technology are more durable and offer an extended life time and are the first serviceable receivers in the market. After 3 years of operation, Huiyin receiver supplies up to 30% more energy compared to any other competitors.

  We look forward to meeting you at our booth in CSP Focus MENA 2018 conference, June 27-28 at Marrakech, Morocco.

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